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tiga lapis bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tiga lapis"
  • tiga:    three; trias; three-wheeled; third; triad;
  • lapis:    undercoat; parallel; row; stratum; liner; tier;
  • lapis:    undercoat; parallel; row; stratum; liner; tier; lining; double; layer; level; decker; ply; coating; coat
  • tiga:    three; trias; three-wheeled; third; triad; ternion; three-wheel; iii; threesome; trio; troika; trinity; trine; triplet; triple; trey; deuce-ace; 3; tercet; terzetto; three times; ternary; tierce; th
  • berlapis-lapis:    in layers; multilayer
  • bolu lapis:    layer cake
  • dua lapis:    double
  • kayu lapis:    laminated board; plywood; ply
  • kuih lapis:    kue lapis
  • kulit lapis:    husk
  • lapis baja:    cuirass; armour; armour, armor; armoured; armoured, armored; shoulder pad; armor
  • lapis beton:    layer of concrete
  • lapis epitaksi:    epitaxial layer
  • lapis legit:    spekkoek
  • lapis pakaian:    lining
  • Got three layers of checkpoints at every intersection.
    Punya tiga lapis pos pemeriksaan di setiap persimpangan jalan.
  • Roadblock Route 50 and triple the surveillance in the harbors.
    Blokade Route 50 dan pengintaian tiga lapis di pelabuhan.
  • There's the tri-fold. People typically take two or three.
    Ada kertas tiga lapis. Biasanya orang mengambil 2 atau 3 lembar.
  • He's brought in three armored trucks.
    Dia membawa tiga lapis baja truk.
  • Ernie, you are triple busted!
    Ernie, kau tertangkap basah tiga lapis!
  • I work for the managers. For bosses in their three-piece suits.
    Aku bekerja untuk manajer, untuk para bos dengan pakaian tiga lapis mereka.
  • Thickness of the cardboard Three layer or five layer
    Ketebalan kardus Tiga lapis atau lima lapis
  • Suitable for producing three-layer films for specific functions
    Cocok untuk memproduksi film tiga lapis untuk fungsi tertentu
  • Three layers structure, support multi-level authorized user accounts.
    Struktur tiga lapis, mendukung akun pengguna yang diotorisasi multi-level.
  • Packing Three-layer paper bag with inner polyethylene liner.
    Pengepakan Kantong kertas tiga lapis dengan lapisan polietilen dalam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5